Ako excelentne rozprávať po anglicky za 6 mesiacov alebo aj menej s použitím systému Effortless English, najkomplexnejšieho systému na výučbu angličtiny pre dospelých študentov.
Každý sa dokáže naučiť excelentne po anglicky. Audio lekcie sú best-seller vo viac ako 25 krajinách.
Systém Effortless English je vhodný pre všetkých na jazykovej úrovni mierne pokročilý a vyššej, nie je vhodný pre úplných začiatočníkov. Ak porozumiete aspoň časť dole uvedeného textu alebo videa je tento produkt vhodný pre Vás. Celý produkt je len v angličtine.
How To Learn English Easily
I started Effortless English to help you Speak English Easily, and Fast. Imagine if I took the best ideas and the best research from the best experts in the world, and used them to create a totally new kind of English lesson- would that be exciting?
Well, that’s exactly what I did. Effortless English uses secrets that work– the newest ideas from the top English learning experts in the world.
The Effortless English system is totally new and different. It is completely different than the old study methods you used in the past.
You have never used lessons like these!
What you learn when you download the program:
- The incredible way you Learn Vocabulary and Grammar Without Study: Listen & Answer Mini-Stories. Learn English aically, with absolutely no “study” or memorizing.
- The Deep Learning method that helps you use English aically. Remember English words and grammar forever– and use them aically. Feel great about your speaking ability.
- The way you learn English in a relaxing way by listening to real English articles about interesting topics. Imagine thinking, smiling, and laughing while learning.
- The way you avoid grammar study and instead learn grammar like children– naturally. This is it, the main method of all my lessons.
- How my best students learn, how they study,– and how you can learn English faster too. To be successful, copy the most successful people. Learn how you can study like the best.
- How you raise your iBT TOEFL speaking and listening scores 20%, 30%, or even 40%. The new TOEFL test requires a lot of listening and speaking- be fantastic at both!
- Lessons that help you learn English 3-5X faster- learn much faster, simply by changing your learning method.
- How you meet other English speakers and talk with them. Meet other friendly English learners just like you.
Audio English Lesson Sets Feature:
- Vocabulary Lessons
Did you know that you must learn vocabulary with your ears so you can use it quickly while speaking? Audio (listening) vocabulary lessons are 2-3 times more powerful than reading lessons. With Effortless English Lessons, you learn with your ears- effortlessly. - Listen & Answer Mini Stories
What if you had a new kind of lesson that, when used daily, makes you instantly understand English- and speak quickly and easily? When you use the Mini-Story lessons every day, you improve aically. - Point of View Story Lessons
Here it is, the secret to being an incredible English grammar expert- effortlessly. What if you could learn English grammar exactly like an American child- naturally, easily, intuitively? That’s exactly how you learn with my Point of View Stories. - Audio Articles
Imagine if English lessons could be fun, easy, interesting, strange, intelligent, and funny- would you love learning English more? Think deeply, laugh loudly, smile a big smile, shake your fist with anger, cry, jump with happiness, learn valuable information… with audio articles made by an intelligent adult- for intelligent adults.
Slovná zásoba k prvej lekcii
acknowledge – uznať, priznať
add – pridať
admire – obdivovať
ancestor – predok (predchodca)
appreciate – oceniť, vážiť si
approach – prístup (k niečomu)
arrive – prísť, doraziť, pricestovať
atmosphere – atmosféra
celebrate – oslavovať, sláviť
cemetery – cintorín
certainly – iste, určite
clean – vyčistiť, očistiť
colorful – farebný, pestrý, pestrofarebný
curious – zvedavý
dead – mŕtvy
deny – poprieť, popierať
everywhere – všade
festival – sviatok (deň)
find – zistiť
fly – letieť, lietať
grave – hrob, hrobka
happen – stať sa, prihodiť sa
holiday – sviatok (štátny a pod.)
chat – rozprávať sa, kecať
instead – namiesto (čoho)
interesting – zaujímavý
kite – drak (papierový), papierový šarkan
laugh – smiať sa
party – večierok, párty
pass away – zomrieť
picnic – piknik
prefer – dávať prednosť, preferovať, uprednostňovať
quite – dosť, celkom
remember – pamätať si, pamätať, spomenúť si
smile – usmievať sa
somber – pochmúrny, smutný (Am.)
through – skrz, cez
together – spolu, spoločne, dokopy
way – spôsob